Checklist for vacation

51 Things Before Going On Vacation

Take A Vacation And Increase Productivity

Go Away! Why? Because it can increase your happiness at work. Studies show that taking a vacation can increase productivity, workplace morale, employee retention, and boost your happiness. It sounds counterintuitive but slowing down can also help us gain clarity. Here is a checklist to prepare for vacation and get out of town in a quick efficient way.

How did most of these make it to the checklist? Some of them happened to my clients. Coming home to a runny faucet-yes. Leaving for an international trip without a passport-yes. Overdue book fine from the library that was more than $100-yes.

Use this checklist to help get you ready for your vacation.

Contact physician for needed vaccinations to enter country and renew medications for the trip

Research English speaking doctor/hospital if international

Purchase and pack medical first aid kit

Check expiration date of passport and renew if needed

Check monetary conversion rates

Check the country’s entrance and exit fees

Make photocopy or electronic version of passport, other identification and medical information-one to take with you, one to leave at home with emergency contact

Register with the Embassy if there are problems in the country

Check calendar for any conflicting appointments and reschedule if needed

Confirm house sitter, pet sitter, or trusted friend to watch over the house

Schedule lawn care or snow removal service

Place stop order on housecleaning

Prepare for jet lag with sleep change

Go online to suspend newspaper and mail delivery

Print itinerary for you and others

Create list of postcard addresses

Return items on loan, get back items borrowed

Pack snacks and bottled water in checked in baggage

Pack charger adapters and check voltage of your electronics-not enough voltage or too much and you won’t be able to use your electronics

Break in new shoes

Get new clothes altered

Check weather during times of travel

Set timer for lights-which lights will stay on?

Notify emergency contact of travel

Notify credit card companies of travel, check to see if there are international fees

Purchase international cell phone service or purchase a phone card to make calls

Pay bills in advance

Set email auto response

DO NOT post travel dates and plans on social media

Change or turn off sprinkler system

Check baggage requirements and weigh baggage

Reorganize wallet-remove credit cards and any items not needed and secure in safe place in house

Fully charge all electronics


Day of:

Check weather of your destination

Empty dishwasher

Clean out fridge

Water plants

Pack chargers in purse or backpack (not in carry on)

Pack medications in purse or personal bag (not in carry on)

Unplug appliances

Turn off fans

Check faucets/toilets for running water or shut of main water supply

Empty trash

Empty recycle

Empty compost bin

Adjust thermostat

Lock all windows and draw shades/blinds

Check to make sure you have travel tickets, info and passport

Lock all doors

Set alarm system

Take picture or write down info of where you parked at airport

Have a great time

Time away from work allows you to recharge. You can then return to your office motivated and ready to go. Do you see something missing from this list? Comment below and help others prepare for their next big trip.



Margo Crawford is a Productivity Expert and Professional Organizer with Wave Productivity. She works with entrepreneurs, small business owners and business professionals to help them get more focused, organized and productive in their workplace. If you would like more work life integration, call 602-677-8275 or email [email protected] for an appointment.