“Can you read my mind?!?”
“No, but it is very common and I see it all the time.”
This snippet of a conversation happens more often than I imagined during client sessions. No, I’m not a mind reader or a psychic but I want to share with you some predictions that I think will happen to you in 2020.
1-You will find a pile or piles of paper in or around your desk that distract you. In these piles you will have papers you need to get your hands on but won’t be able to find. If there not on your desk, you’ve lost documents on your computer desktop.
Solution: Create a file system that mirrors your physical files and your computer files. Clear your desk on a regular basis and get everything back in its place.
2-Your schedule will get filled and you’ll feel there isn’t enough time for things you want and love to do.
Solution: Block time for yourself, stick to it.
3-You will block time for yourself for an important project and not honor it.
Solution: Reread Solution #2 especially the last sentence.
4-You will start a project and feel overwhelmed. Your focus will be on the outcome.
Solution: Make sure your next actions are just that-ACTIONS not the overall project. Use verbs to describe your next action.
5.-You will drop the ball on a task or project, maybe something really important.
Solution: Capture all the things you need to do in a trusted system. It’s easy as using pen and paper or if your looking for technology Evernote is a great tool. Sign up here.
6-You will waste time in meetings.
Solution: Confirm how long you are meeting, have an agenda and follow it.
These are common issues and you can overcome them using these simple techniques. If you are struggling now or continue to struggle through the year consider these options.
Solution: Sign up for my upcoming Goal Setting 2020 Webinar. Click here for the details.
Solution: Set up a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your challenges. Click here to make an appointment.
Margo Crawford is a Productivity Coach and Professional Organizer with Wave Productivity. She works with entrepreneurs, small business owners and business professionals to help them get more focused, organized and productive in their workplace. She coaches by phone nationally and in person in Phoenix, Providence and Boston. If you want to get more organized in your office call 602-677-8275 or email [email protected].