Low Cost Document Destruction
Many of my clients ask where they can shred confidential documents and documents with their information on them. ASDD Document Destruction is a social enterprise of TCH – The Centers for Habilitation. TCH is a local Arizona non-profit, that has been operating since 1967. TCH is dedicated to providing support and opportunities to people with physical and developmental disabilities.
ASDD allows you to shred documents for a monetary donation. This low cost secure shredding solution provides jobs to individuals with disabilities. You can drop off documents and media to be shredded at 225 W. Lodge Drive, Tempe, Arizona 85283. They have a shredding truck that can arrive right at your door. For on-site shredding call 480-730-4133.
Margo Crawford is a Productivity Coach and Professional Organizer with Wave Productivity. She works with entrepreneurs, small business owners and business professionals to help them get more focused, organized and productive in their workplace. She coaches nationally by phone and in person in Phoenix, Providence and Boston. If you want to get more organized in your office call 602-677-8275 or email [email protected].