Productivity Book List
Many of you know, I’m an avid reader. Sometimes a few books a week, sometimes for a second time. Wanted to share a few business books I’ve read that you might enjoy.
Ready for Anything by David Allen-one of my all time favorite authors. Read this one a decade ago and reading it for a second time.
The Now Habit by Neil Fiore-So many great tips, I’ll be talking about this one in my time management presentation.
How to Work a Room by Susan RoAne–Grabbed an outdated copy where she talked about wearing a fanny pack. Pass on this one.
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast by Laura Vanderkam–It’s a short one, some good advice but not a must read.
The Power of Less by Leo Babatua–Fantastic read. Love his simple advice on how to live and work.
Brain Rules by John Medina–Why didn’t I read this sooner!? He takes brain science and breaks it down in layman’s terms so easy to understand. A great read!