Business travel was in excess before Covid hit the scene. Professionals jetted everywhere just for a lunch meeting with a client or to hunker down for a week long conference. Now companies are more mindful of travel and the toll it takes on their employees. Organizations are asking:
- Is this something we can do remotely?
- Will we be more productive if we stay in the office or travel?
- Can we have a competitive edge if we schedule a video conference call?
- Does travel increase or decrease the stress of our employee?
- Is it worth the expense?
- Will an in person meeting have greater impact?
Travel will rebound by 53% by January of 2022 according to Massachusetts Competitive Partnership when they conducted a poll of business and industry leaders. Events, like the annual TED conference, were in person this year. Industry trade shows are gearing up for the season in places like Las Vegas. While it’s expected that large scale meetings, conferences and expos are on the decline, smaller sales meetings, location scouting and the search for vendors and products will continue.
There are pros to less business travel:
- Better carbon footprint and less pollution
- Decreased stress for employees
- Increased sleep and quality of life for workers
- Huge cost savings for the company
And there are cons to not having to travel for work: - Desk bound and zoom bound workers
- Smaller regional trainings and meetings
- Face to face connections that build relationships
- Loss of the competitive edge-imagine you have the zoom meeting while your competitor commits to meeting in person to land the next big project.
There will be an increase for travel and the reason is connection!
Margo Crawford is a Productivity Coach with Wave Productivity. If you are struggling with your workday and need to focus and get clarity, you are not alone. Margo works with entrepreneurs, small business owners and business professionals to help them get more focused, organized and productive in their workplace. Set up a consultation today. Margo coaches by phone nationally. If you want to get more organized in your office call 602-677-8275 or email [email protected]